I'm a sucker for vintage cookbooks (1960's and before). Ask Ryan, I'm always trying recipes out of a 1950's Middle Eastern cookbook I found a couple of months ago at a thrift store, making up my own recipes as I go, scouring the internet, calling my mother and grandmother, etc. I love trying new things out on my tastebuds and my skills.
1. My advice is to try one new recipe at a time. It might be overwhelming and frustrating if you don't.
2. Make sure you have enough time to make it and will not be rushed. If you come to my house between midnight and 3am on any given night, you'll find me trying out a new recipe or making something else like sewing, painting, etc. I know that during this time, I won't be disturbed and I can get things done my own way.
3. Gather all the ingredients the recipe calls for.
4. I like to line my ingredients in order that I'll use them. It ensures I won't forget an ingredient.
5. Read through the whole recipe once or twice to make sure you understand it before you begin. I usually type mine out and print on a recipe card. I usually memorize it by the time I'm done typing it out.
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